Brilliant Choice or Disastrous Choice

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The door to eternal life in the Kingdom of God is narrow. So said Jesus, as explained to us by two of the New Testament gospel writers, Matthew and Luke. (Matthew chapter 7 verses 13/14: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it". Luke chapter 13 verse 24: "Do your best to go in through the narrow door, because many people will surely try to go in but will not be able"). The way and the 'doorway' to our salvation are to be found within certain limits. We have limits in this life. We like to know that our young children are safe in the enclosed schoolyard at playtime - not wandering about in the road! The pilot of a plane would not think of landing his aircraft with its passengers just anywhere he felt like it, but only within the confines of the airfield or airport. We wouldn't question that!

Why is it so surprising that Jesus should advise us in no uncertain terms how we can enter heaven one day? Firstly, we must be humble. No-one DESERVES heaven (see Romans chapter 3 verse 23: "Everyone has sinned and is far away from God's saving presence"). There is no entry for those of us who claim God's approval as our right, because of our reputation in society, or feelings of self-importance. Secondly, half-hearted religious notions must be discarded. To claim to be Christian, while denying or ignoring what Jesus says we ought to be, is wrong, as is having no patience or courage to follow Him and obey His precepts for decent living. "I'm good enough" is NOT good enough.

There is no space to squeeze in the doorway if we are cluttered with the 'baggage' outlined above. We must not prefer ANYTHING in our life here to the invitation to God's Kingdom. We certainly cannot take our money or material possessions with us when we die! Jesus requires total commitment. He wants to save us because He loves us. As you are reading this, the narrow door is still open. The way in starts as a bit of a tight fit, but it opens out to the glory and joy of everlasting life with the Lord in heaven. In contrast, the broad road (with its wide entrance gate) that many are choosing to travel - the road of pride, selfishness, greed, laziness, meanness - leads to destruction. A DEAD END, literally. And in case you are wondering, there is no comfortable 'middle road'!

So come in humility, sorry for your sins and with no reservations, and Jesus will say "Welcome" when your life is over. Choose that door today!