Vocabulary of Early Modern English 1500's (Englyſhe)

Nouns, definite articles, plurals

1.    mother           mother, the mother, mothers
2.    father           father, the father, fathers
3.    sister           ſyſter, the ſyſter, ſyſters
4.    brother           brother, the brother, brethren
5.    daughter           doughter, the doughter, doughters
6.    son           ſonne, the ſonne, ſonnes

God ſoo loved the worlde / that he gave his only ſonne for the entent / that none
that beleve in hym / ſhulde periſſhe: Butt ſhulde have everlaſtynge lyfe.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Bible, John, 3, 16

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1.    water           water, the water
2.    fire           fyre, the fyre, fyers
3.    sun           ſun, the ſun
4.    moon           mone, the mone
5.    wind           wynde, the wynde, wyndes
6.    rain           reyne, the reyne, reynes

1.    one           won
2.    two           two
3.    three           thre
4.    four           fower
5.    five           fyue
6.    six           ſixe

Geve vs this daye oure dayly breade.

Give us today our daily bread.
The Bible, Matthew, 6, 11

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1.    cat           catt, the catt, cattes
2.    dog           dogge, the dogge, dogges
3.    horse           horſſe, the horſſe, horſſe
4.    cow           cowe, the cowe, keen
5.    fish           fyſſhe, the fyſſhe, fyſſhes
6.    bird           fowle, the fowle, fowles
7.    tree           tree, the tree, trees
8.    flower           flower, the flower

The begynnyng off the Goſpell of Ieſu Chriſt the ſonne off God.

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Bible, Mark, 1,1

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1.    white           whyte
2.    black           blacke
3.    red           reed
4.    green           grene
5.    yellow           yelowe
6.    blue           blewe
7.    grey           graye
8.    brown           browne

And as ye wolde that men ſhulde doo to you: ſoo
do ye to them lyke wyſe.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
The Bible, Luke, 6,31

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Honoure thy father and mother and thou ſhalt love
thyne neghbour as thy ſylfe.

Honour your father and mother; and love your neighbour as yourself.
The Bible, Matthew, 19,19

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Love ſuffreth longe / and is corteous.
love envieth nott. Love doth nott frawardly / ſwelleth not /
dealeth not diſhoneſly / ſeketh nott her awne / is not provoked to anger /
thynketh not evyll.

Love is patient and kind;
it is not jealous or conceited or proud;
love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable;
love does not keep a record of wrongs.

The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 13,4-5

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And he ſayde vnto Ieſus: Lorde remember me when thou commeſt into thy kyngdom.
And Ieſus ſayde vnto hym: Verely I ſaye vnto the / to daye ſhalt thou be with me in paradiſe.

Then he [the man on the cross next to Him] said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
He replied, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

The Bible, Luke 23,42-43

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9. O oure father which arte in heven / halowed be thy name.
10. Let thy kyngdom come. Thy wyll be fulfilled / as well in erth / as hit ys in heven.
11. Geve vs this daye oure dayly breade.
12. And forgeve vs oure treaſpaſes / even as we forgeve them which treaſpas vs.
13. Leede vs not in to temptacion . but delyvre vs ffrom yvell.
The Bible, Matthew 6, 9-13 (The Lord's Prayer)

  1. ſounday
  2. munday
  3. tyiſday
  4. wenſday
  5. thurſday
  6. fryday
  7. ſaterday
  1. ianuary
  2. february
  3. marche
  4. aprelle
  5. may
  6. iuyn
  7. iulij
  8. auguſt
  9. ſeptember
  10. october
  11. nouember
  12. december
  1. north
  2. ſouth
  3. eaſt
  4. weſt
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