Vocabulary of Middle English 1300's (englyſſh)

Nouns, definite articles, plurals

1.    mother           moder, þe moder, moodres
2.    father           fader, þe fader, fadres
3.    sister           ſiſter, þe ſiſter, ſyſtren
4.    brother           broþer, þe broþer, briþeren
5.    daughter           douȝter, þe douȝter, douȝtren
6.    son           ſone, þe ſone, ſones

Forſoþe God ſo louede þe world / þat he ȝaf his oon bigetun ſone / þat eche
man þat bileueþ in to him periſche not / but haue euere laſtynge lyf.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Bible, John, 3, 16

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1.    water           water, þe water
2.    fire           fyre, þe fyre
3.    sun           ſunne, þe ſunne
4.    moon           mone, þe mone
5.    wind           wynd, þe wynd, wyndis
6.    rain           rayn, þe rayn, raynys

1.    one           oon
2.    two           two
3.    three           þre
4.    four           foure
5.    five           fyue
6.    six           ſixe

Ȝyue to vs þis day oure breed ouer oþer ſubſtaunce.

Give us today our daily bread.
The Bible, Matthew, 6, 11

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1.    cat           cat, þe cat, cattes
2.    dog           hound, þe hound, houndis
3.    horse           hors, þe hors, hors
4.    cow           cowe, þe cowe, kyne
5.    fish           fiſch, þe fiſch, fiſches
6.    bird           foule, þe foule, foules
7.    tree           tre, þe tre, trees
8.    flower           flour, þe flour, floures

Þe bigynnynge of þe goſpel of Iheſu Criſt / þe ſone of God.

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Bible, Mark, 1,1

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1.    white           whyt
2.    black           blak
3.    red           reed
4.    green           grene
5.    yellow           ȝelowe
6.    blue           blew
7.    grey           gray
8.    brown           broun

And as ȝe wolen þat men do to ȝou / do ȝe alſo to hem in lyk manere.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
The Bible, Luke, 6,31

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Worſchipe þi fadir and þi modir / and þou ſchalt looue
þi neiȝbore as þi ſelf.

Honour your father and mother; and love your neighbour as yourself.
The Bible, Matthew, 19,19

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In þe bigynnyng God made of nouȝt heuene and erþe.

In the beginning God created the universe.
The Bible, Genesis, 1,1

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Charite is pacient / it is benygne:
charite enuyeþ not / it doiþ not wickidli / it is not blowun /
it is not coueytouſe / it ſekiþ not þo þingis þat ben hiſe owne / it is not ſtirid to wraþþe /
it þenkiþ not yuel.

Love is patient and kind;
it is not jealous or conceited or proud;
love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable;
love does not keep a record of wrongs.

The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 13,4-5

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And he ſeide to Iheſu / Lord / haue mynde of me / whanne þou comeſt in to þi kyngdom.
And Iheſus ſeide to hym / Treuli Y ſeie to þee / þis dai thou ſchalt be wiþ me in paradys.

Then he [the man on the cross next to Him] said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
He replied, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

The Bible, Luke 23,42-43

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Middle English was spoken in:

Iernemouþ (Gt. Yarmouth)
Lindecolnea (Lincoln)
Sareſbury (Salisbury)
Botolfſton (Boston)
Lynne (King's Lynn)
Ȝepiſwiche (Ipswich)

  1. Ȝea. Nay.
  2. . . . . .     I do þankingis.
9. Oure fadir þat art in heuenes, halewid be þi name;
10. þi kyngdoom come to; be þi wille don in erþe as in heuene;
11. ȝyue to vs þis dai oure breed ouer oþir ſubſtaunce;
12. and forȝyue to vs oure dettis, as we forȝyuen to oure dettouris;
13. and lede vs not in to temptacioun, but delyuere vs fro yuel.
The Bible, Matthew 6, 9-13 (The Lord's Prayer)

  1. ſoneday
  2. moneday
  3. teweſday
  4. wedneſday
  5. þurſday
  6. friday
  7. ſaterday
  1. ianuarie
  2. februarie
  3. march
  4. aprille
  5. may
  6. iune
  7. iuyl
  8. augoſte
  9. ſeptembre
  10. octobre
  11. nouembre
  12. decembre
  1. norþ
  2. souþ
  3. eſt
  4. weſt
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