Vocabulary of Old English 1000's (enƽliſc)

Nouns, definite articles, plurals
Adjectives: predicative - masculine, feminine, neuter
Numerals: masculine, feminine, neuter

1.    mother           modor, ſeo modor, modor
2.    father           fæder, ſe fæder, fæderaſ
3.    sister           ſƿuſter, ſeo sƿuſter, ſƿuſtra
4.    brother           broðor, ſe broðor, ƽebroðra
5.    daughter           dohtor, ſeo dohtor, dohtor
6.    son           ſunu, ſe ſunu, ſuna

Ƽod lufode middaneard ſƿa þæt he ſealde hiſ ancennendan ſunu þæt
nan ne forƿurðe þe on hine ƽelyfð ac hæbbe þæt ece lif.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Bible, John, 3, 16

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1.    water           ƿæter, þæt ƿæter
2.    fire           fyr, þæt fyr, fyre
3.    sun           ſunne, ſeo ſunne
4.    moon           mona, ſe mona
5.    wind           ƿind, ſe ƿind, ƿindaſ
6.    rain           ren, ſe ren, renaſ

1.    one           an, an, an
2.    two           tƿeƽen, tƿa, tƿa
3.    three           þry, þreo, þreo
4.    four           feoƿer
5.    five           fif
6.    six           ſix

Urne ƽedæƽhƿamlican hlaf ſyle uſ todæƽ.

Give us today our daily bread.
The Bible, Matthew, 6, 11

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1.    cat           cat, ſeo cat
2.    dog           hund, ſe hund, hundaſ
3.    horse           horſ, þæt horſ, horſ
4.    cow           cu, ſeo cu, cy
5.    fish           fiſc, ſe fiſc, fiſcaſ
6.    bird           fuƽl, ſe fuƽl, fuƽlaſ
7.    tree           treoƿ, þæt treoƿ, treoƿ
8.    flower           bloſtma, ſe bloſtma, bloſtman

Her yſ ƽodſpellyſ anƽyn Hælyndeſ Criſteſ Ƽodeſ ſuna.

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Bible, Mark, 1,1

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1.    white           hƿit - hƿit, hƿit, hƿit
2.    black           blac - blac, blacu, blac
3.    red           read - read, read, read
4.    green           ƽrene - ƽrene, ƽrenu, ƽrene
5.    yellow           ƽeolƿe - ƽeolƿe, ƽeolƿe, ƽeolƿe
6.    blue          
7.    grey           ƽræƽ - ƽræƽ, ƽræƽ, ƽræƽ
8.    brown           brun - brun, brun, brun

And ſƿa ƽe ƿyllað þæt eoƿ men don doþ him ƽelice.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
The Bible, Luke, 6,31

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Ƿurþa þinne fæder and modor and lufa þinne nehſtan ſƿa þe ſylfne.

Honour your father and mother; and love your neighbour as yourself.
The Bible, Matthew, 19,19

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And he cƿæþ to þam hælende; Drihten. ƽemun þu me þonne þu cymſt on þin rice;
Đa cƿæþ ſe hælend to him; Todæƽ þu biſt mid me on paradiſo.

Then he [the man on the cross next to Him] said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
He replied, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

The Bible, Luke 23,42-43

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Old English was spoken in:

Lindiſfarna ee (Lindisfarne)
Eoforƿic (York)
Snotinƽaham (Nottingham)
Þeodford (Thetford)
Eliƽ (Ely)
Ƽrantanbrycƽe (Cambridge)
Ƿiƽraceaſter (Worcester)
Ƽleaƿanceaſter (Gloucester)
Exanceaſter (Exeter)
Ƿintanceaſter (Winchester)
Lundene (London)
Cantƿaraburƽ (Canterbury)

  1. Ƽea. Na.
  2. . . . . .    Ic do þancaſ.

9. Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum; Si þin nama ƽehalƽod.
10. To becume þin rice. Ƽeƿurþe ðin ƿilla on eorðan ſƿa ſƿa on heofonum.
11. Urne ƽedæƽhƿamlican hlaf ſyle uſ todæƽ
12. and forƽyf uſ ure ƽyltaſ ſƿa ſƿa ƿe forƽyfað urum ƽyltendum
13. and ne ƽelæd þu uſ on coſtnunƽe ac alyſ uſ of yfele.
The Bible, Matthew 6, 9-13 (The Lord's Prayer)

  1. ſunnandæƽ
  2. monandæƽ
  3. tiƿeſdæƽ
  4. ƿodneſdæƽ
  5. þunreſdæƽ
  6. friƽedæƽ
  7. ſæterneſdæƽ
  1. æfterra ƽeola
  2. ſolmonað
  3. hreðmonað
  4. eoſtermonað
  5. ðrimilcemonað
  6. ærra liða
  7. æfterra liða
  8. ƿeodmonað
  9. haliƽmonað
  10. ƿinterfilleð
  11. blotmonað
  12. ærra ƽeola
  1. norþ
  2. ſuþ
  3. eaſt
  4. ƿeſt
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