Vocabulary of Romansch - Upper Engadine (rumauntsch - puter)

Nouns, definite articles, plurals
Adjectives masculine, feminine

1.    mother           mamma, la mamma, mammas
2.    father           bap, il bap, baps
3.    sister           sour, la sour, sours

Perche Dieu ho taunt amo il muond, ch’el ho do sieu sulgenuieu Figl, acciò
cha scodün, chi craja in el, nun giaja a perder, mo hegia la vita eterna.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Bible, John, 3, 16

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1.    water           ova, l’ova
2.    fire           fö, il fö, fös
3.    sun           sulagl, il sulagl

Nos paun d’iminchadi do a nus hoz.

Give us today our daily bread.
The Bible, Matthew, 6, 11

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1.    cat           giat, il giat, giats
2.    dog           chaun, il chaun, chauns
3.    horse           chavagl, il chavagl, chavals

Principi del Evangeli da Gesu Cristo, Figl da Dieu.

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Bible, Mark, 1,1

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1.    white           alv, alva
2.    black           nair, naira
3.    red           cotschen, cotschna

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