Vocabulary of Austro-Bavarian (Boarisch)

1.    mother           Muadda
2.    father           Vadda
3.    sister           Schwöster
4.    brother           Bruada
5.    daughter           Dochta
6.    son           Sun

So männig haat dyr Herrgot d Welt gliebt, däß yr seinn Aingebornen hingaab, dyrmit ayn Ieds,
wo an iem glaaubt, nit zgrundgeet, sundern auf dös eebig Löbn kimmt.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Bible, John, 3, 16

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1.    water           Wossa
2.    fire           Feia
3.    sun           Sunn
4.    moon           Mond
5.    wind           Wind
6.    rain           Reng

1.    one           oan
2.    two           zwoa
3.    three           drei
4.    four           fiar
5.    five           fimf
6.    six           seggs

Ünser töglichs Broot gib üns heint.

Give us today our daily bread.
The Bible, Matthew, 6, 11

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1.    cat           Katz
2.    dog           Hund
3.    horse           Pferdl
4.    cow           Kua
5.    fish           Fiisch
6.    bird           Fogel
7.    tree           Baam
8.    flower           Bluma

Yso geet s an, de Guetmaer von n Iesenn Kristn, yn n Sun Gottes.

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Bible, Mark, 1,1

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1.    white           weiß
2.    black           schwoarz
3.    red           roud
4.    green           grean
5.    yellow           gelb
6.    blue           blau
7.    grey          
8.    brown           braun

Wasß ös von Anderne erwarttß, dös Gleiche solltß für ien tuen.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
The Bible, Luke, 6,31

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Eer deine Ölttern! Und nit zlösst: Du sollst deinn Naahstn liebhabn wie di selbn.

Honour your father and mother; and love your neighbour as yourself.
The Bible, Matthew, 19,19

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Eyn n Anfang bschuef dyr Herrgot önn Himml und d Erdn.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The Bible, Genesis, 1,1

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D Lieb ist langmüetig; d Lieb ist güetig.
Si eifert nit und prozt nit; si blaet si aau nit auf.
Si tuet aau nix, was si nit ghoert, und ist nit auf irn Vortl aus.
Gifthäferl ist s aau kains,
und dös Boese tragt s nit naach.

Love is patient and kind;
it is not jealous or conceited or proud;
love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable;
love does not keep a record of wrongs.

The Bible, 1 Corinthians, 13,4-5

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Und er gsait: "Iesen, denk an mi, wennst in dein Reich kimmst!"
Dyr Iesen gantwortt iem: "Dös derffst glaaubn: Heint non gaast mit mir in n Wang sein."

Then he [the man on the cross next to Him] said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
He replied, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

The Bible, Luke 23,42-43

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Bavarian / Austrian German is spoken in:

Augschburg - Augsburg
Minga - München
Innschbruck - Innsbruck
Såizburg - Salzburg
Wean - Wien

Street Name Types in Austria

Museumstraße (German)

Gartenweg (German)

1. Jå. Na.
2. Bidd schee. Dang schee.
3. Dang schee.
5. Wos kosdn des?
6. I faschde eana ned.
7. Ge, ren s' a bisl långssåma.

9. Vadda unsá im Himmé, gheiligt soi wern dei Nama.
10. Dei Reich soi kémmà. Dei Wejn soi gscheng, wia im Himmé so àà auf Eadn.
11. Unsa Dogbroad gib uns heit.
12. Und vagib uns unsre Schuid, wia a mia vàgem unsarn Schuidigean.
13. Und fia uns ned in Vasuachung, sundarn erläs uns vo dem Bäsn.
The Bible, Matthew 6, 9-13 (The Lord's Prayer)

  1. Sunda
  2. Månda
  3. Diensda
  4. Middwoch
  5. Pfinsda
  6. Freida
  7. Såmsta
  1. Jänner
  2. Feber
  3. März
  4. Abbrui
  5. Moa
  6. Juni
  7. Juli
  8. August
  9. Septemba
  10. Oktoba
  11. Novemba
  12. Dezemba
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