Vocabulary of Provençal (prouvençau)

Nouns, definite articles
Adjectives masculine, feminine

1.    mother           maire, la maire
2.    father           paire, lou paire
3.    sister           sorre, la sorre

Car Diéu a tant ama lou mounde que i’a douna soun Fiéu soulet, per
que tout ome que crèi en éu noun perigue, mai ague la vido eternalo.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Bible, John, 3, 16

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1.    water           aigo, l’aigo
2.    fire           fiò, lou fiò
3.    sun           soulèu, lou soulèu

Douno nous vuei noste pan de cade jour.

Give us today our daily bread.
The Bible, Matthew, 6, 11

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1.    cat           cat, lou cat
2.    dog           chin, lou chin
3.    horse           chivau, lou chivau

Coumençamen de l’Evangèli de Jèsu-Crist, Fiéu de Diéu

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The Bible, Mark, 1,1

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1.    white           blanc, blanco
2.    black           negre, negro
3.    red           rouge, roujo

National languages in bold

Early Provençal

Old Provençal (950 - 1500)

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